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Selected as Editors' highlights of Phys. Rev. Lett.:  T. Devaux, V. Tournat, O. Richoux, V.Pagneux, Asymmetric acoustic 

propagation of wave packets via the self-demodulation effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 234301 (2015). [PDF]


September 1st, 2018: I joined the GREMAN Laboratory and the IUT R&T as associate professor.

July 8-12, 2018: I was in Hiroshima  (Japan) to give one talk on the application for subwavelength imaging of Extraordinary Acoustic Transmission at ICSV25 (International Congress on Sound and Vibration). See details in the publications section.

April 23-27, 2018: I attended the French Congress on Acoustics in Le Havre (France) for presenting two talks on Extraordinary Acoustic Transmission at CFA'18 (14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustiques). See details in the publications section.


December 18-20, 2017: I gave two talks in Honolulu in Hawaï (U.S.) on Extraordinary Acoustic Transmission and Acoustic Diode at ICU (International Congress on Ultrasonics). See details in the publications section.

July 25-28, 2017: I was in Incheon in Korea for presenting my latest works at META’17  (the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics). I gave 2 talks and one poster presentation on acoustic asymmetric propagation and on extra-ordinary acoustic transmission phenomenon. See details in the publications section.


January 8-13, 2017: I visited the Sam H. LEE's group in Yonsei University in Seoul (Korea). 

January, 2017: I got the Assistant Professor qualification from the National University Council in Mechanics (section 60).


November 17, 2016: I have received the Thesis Prize from the University of Le Mans.

October 26, 2016: I joined the Laboratory of Applied Solid State Physics in Hokkaido University as Post-doctoral researcher.

July 15, 2016:  I have received the Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers awarded by JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) and the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).


February 4, 2016: Defense of my Ph.D. Thesis: Acoustic Rectifiers and Diodes: Design of New Architectures, Theories and Experiments.


Decembre 7-11, 2015: Ninth Meeting of the GDR Wave Propagation in Complex Media for Quantitative and Non Destructive Evaluation in Aussois, France


December 4, 2015:  


Thibaut DEVAUX Associate Professor in Acoustics -  Tours University

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