[PDF] updated in June, 2019

Associate Professor in Acoustics
in the GREMAN Laboratory, UMR-CNRS 7737, Tours University (France).
Sub-wavelength imaging Wave Control Experiments
Complex Media Simulations Polymers Acoustic Diode
Acoustics Audible, kHz and GHz regimes
Simulations COMSOL Multiphysics, PZFlex
Experiments Microphones, piezo-electric transducers and Vibrometer laser measurements
Theories Transfer Matrix Method, Bloch-Floquet
Others Matlab, Igor, Qt, C++, Illustrator
Since 2018 Associate Professor in the GREMAN Laboratory,
UMR-CNRS 7347 in Tours University
2016 - 2018 Post-Doctorate fellow in Hokkaido University
2015 - 2016 Assistant Lecturer/Researcher in Acoustics Lab of Le
Mans University
2012 - 2015 PhD Student in Acoustics Lab of Le Mans University
Scientific Research Team working, Projects supervision, International collaborations, Publications in journals and conferences
Teaching around Acoustics and Telecoms through Practical courses, tutorials and student projects supervision
Science Dissemination Organisation and participations of scientific dissemination events, Realization of acoustics setups, showroom and lab tour kits
2016 PhD in Acoustics
2012 Msc in Mechanics and Acoustics
2010 Bsc in Mechanics and Acoustics

Other Informations
Assistant Professor qualification in section 60 (Mechanics),
Current car driving licence.
Handball, Squash, Cycling.
Member of SFA,
Member of EAA,
Member of ”Young Acousticians Network”,
Logistical support in congress of ”Acoustic 2012” and "CFA 2014 " ,
Founder and Former President of the acoustician alumni from Le Mans (RAmDAM, 2013-2015),
Former Member of the LAUM council (2012-2016),
Former Member of Scientific council of University of Le Mans (2012-2016).
Member of Les Petits Débrouillards,
Academic Research
Associate Professor in Acoustics
Tours University (France)
Research at the GREMAN Laboratory, UMR-CNRS 7347 (location INSA CVL, Blois)
Teaching at the IUT of Blois, Department of Networks et Telecoms
GREMAN, INSA CVL, 3 rue de la Chocolaterie, CS 23410, 41034 Blois cedex (France)
Post-doctoral Researcher
Hokkaido University (Japan)
Laboratory of Applied Solid State Physics
Subject Sub-wavelength acoustic imaging based on the extraordinary transmission
from kHz to GHz frequencies
Supervisor Prof. Oliver B. Wrigth
Assistant Lecturer/Researcher (ATER)
Le Mans University (France)
in the acoustics laboratory of the university of Le Mans: L.A.U.M
PhD Student in Acoustics
Le Mans University (France)
PhD thesis prepared in the acoustics laboratory of the university of Le Mans: L.A.U.M
Subject Acoustic Rectifiers and Diodes : Design of New Architectures, Theories and
Experiments: read more
Supervisors V. Pagneux (DR CNRS), V. Tournat (DR CNRS) et O. Richoux (Prof.)
Defended on February 4th 2016 at the Laboratory of Acoustics of Le Mans University
Jury Chiara Daraio, Sébastion Guenneau, Bruno Lombard, Philippe Pouliguen, Dominique Fattaccioli, Vincent Pagneux, Vincent Tournat and Olivier Richoux
Internship in Acoustics
Le Mans University (France)
2nd year of MS.c degree
Subject Acoustic Rectifiers and Diodes : Design of New Architectures, Theories and
Experiments: read more
Supervisors V. Pagneux (DR CNRS), V. Tournat (DR CNRS) et O. Richoux (Prof.)
Student Project in ThermoAcoustics
Le Mans University (France)
1st year of MS.c degree
Subject Experimental study and modeling of the onset and saturation of the acoustic wave in
thermoacoustic prime mover [PDF] : read more.
Supervisor G. Penelet (Ass. Prof.)
Teaching and Vulgarization
Tours University (France)
in the IUT of Blois, Department of Networks et Telecoms, Tours University (France)
In charge of courses of the 1st year : Data acquisition and coding, Introduction to business telephony, Digital transmission chain
Others Supervision of students project (2nd year), educational support for apprentice and trainee student (2nd year)
Le Mans University (France)
in the Sciences faculty of University of Le Mans (France) about 280 hours.
Pratical courses:
First year of BSc Degree: Measurement of sound attenuation, Computer calculation and Elementary notions of acoustics,
Second year of BSc Degree: Physical Acoustics (Plane waves) and Professional Acoustics,
Third year of BSc Degree: Data Acquisition,
First year of MSc Degree: Vibrations experiments, Algorithms and Matlab.
Tutorials :
Mathematical tools (First year of BSc Degree).
Student Projects about plane wave propagation in unidimensional and periodical medium (Third year of BSc Degree).
Scientific vulgarization of Acoustics.
and also at the acoustics laboratory of the Le Mans university; L.A.U.M (France)
Collaborations RAmDAM association and "Les Petits Débrouillards"
Actions Organization of a conference on the acoustician’s profession, Realization of the showroom in LAUM, Realization of tour kits for the lab, Photographic exhibition illustrating the acoustic research, Creation of workshops for children on acoustics, Creation of a public event entitled Pint Of Acoustics, 3rd regional award at the vulgarization science competition My thesis in 180 seconds (in french), Realization of a newsletter, writing articles of popular science, Participation in various scientific dissemination events, etc.
>> read more about vulgarization<<

Acoustic diode
Asymetric propagation
Granular media
Phononic crystal
Radiation Pressure
kHz Acoustics
Longitudinal wave propagation
Transfer Matrix Method
Simulations by FEM
Laser Vibrometer measurement
Propagation in solid media
Programming (Qt, C++, Matlab)

Good working knowledge

2016 - 2018
2015 - 2016
2012 - 2015
2011 - 2012
(6 months)
2010 - 2011
(3 months)
Since 2013

2013 - 2016




PhD in Acoustics
Le Mans University (France)
PhD thesis prepared in the acoustics laboratory of the university of Le Mans : L.A.U.M (France).
Subject Acoustic Rectifiers and Diodes : Design of New Architectures, Theories and Experiments: read more.
Supervisors V. Pagneux (DR CNRS), V. Tournat (DR CNRS) et O. Richoux (Prof.)
Defended on February 4th 2016 at the Laboratory of Acoustics at University of Maine, Le Mans, France.
Jury Chiara Daraio, Sébastion Guenneau, Bruno Lombard, Philippe Pouliguen, Dominique Fattaccioli, Vincent Pagneux, Vincent Tournat and Olivier Richoux.
M.Sc Degree in Acoustics and Mechanics
Le Mans University (France)
Master recherche mécanique et acoustique with honors
Internship in the acoustics laboratory of the university of Le Mans : L.A.U.M (France)
Acoustic Rectifiers and Diodes : Design of New Architectures, Theories and Experiments: read
Supervisors: V. Pagneux (DR CNRS), V. Tournat (DR CNRS) et O. Richoux (Prof.)
Student Project Experimental study and modeling of the onset and saturation of the acoustic wave in
thermoacoustic prime mover [PDF] : read more,
Supervisor: G. Penelet (Ass. Prof.)
B.Sc Degree in Mechanics and Acoustics
Le Mans University (France)
Licence mécanique et acoustique with honors
Student Project Acoustic insulation of a painting on chair rail (LAUM) [PDF]
Acoustics and Signal Foundation Degree
Le Mans University (France)
D.E.U.S.T. Vibration, Acoustique et Signal with honors
Student Projects
Study and realization of mass-damper system [PDF] [Video1] [Video2]
The loudspeaker's directivity according to acoustic rear impedance [PDF]
Internship Engineering office of acoustic dbAcoustic (Angers - France) [PDF]
Scientific 'A' levels
Lycée G. Touchard, Le Mans (France)
Baccalauréat S with honors
Awards &
PhD thesis award 2016
I have received the PhD thesis award 2016 from Le Mans University (France).
Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers awarded by JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) and the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) for 24 months.
Physical Review Letters Editors’ choice
Physical Review Letters Editors’ choice for the paper ”Asymmetric acoustic propagation of wave packets via self-demodulation effect”.
3rd Regional Award in "My Thesis in 180 seconds"
3rd Regional Award at the vulgarization science competition ”My thesis in 180 seconds.” (in french).
Ph.D Fellowship
Ph.D Fellowship awarded by the French Armaments Procurement Agency (DGA) and the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) for 36 months.