Project |01 Acoustic Rectifiers and Diodes: Design of New Architectures,
Theories and Experiments.
PhD thesis done at the Acoustics Laboratory of the University of Le Mans (L.A.U.M.), UMR CNRS 6613,
Attached to the research group "Granular media",
Financed by a thesis grant CNRS/DGA,
Attached to the graduate school SPIGA : "Sciences pour l'Ingénieur, géosciences, Architecture" (ED 498).
Supervisor : Vincent Pagneux, Senior Research Scientist at CNRS
Co-supervisor : Vincent Tournat, Senior Research Scientist at CNRS
Scientific Advisor : Olivier Richoux, Professor at University of Le Mans
Defended on February 4th 2016 at the Acoustics Laboratory of the University of Le Mans, France.
Jury Chiara Daraio (ETH Zurich), Sébastion Guenneau (Institut Fresnel UMR CNRS 7249, Aix-Marseille University), Bruno Lombard (LMA, Aix-Marseille University), Philippe Pouliguen (DGA), Dominique Fattaccioli (DGA), Vincent Pagneux (LAUM), Vincent Tournat (LAUM) and Olivier Richoux(LAUM).
Associated Organizations
This Ph.D. work has been published in Physical Review Letters and selected as Editors' highlights:
T. Devaux, V. Tournat, O. Richoux, V.Pagneux, Asymmetric acoustic propagation of wave packets via the self-demodulation effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 234301 (2015). [PDF]
Research Background
This work is a continuation of those conducted as part of my research project of 2nd year of Degre: read more.
The origin of electrical diodes dates back over a century. These are the first elements able to correct a energy flow. Despite the many applications envisioned for the wave diodes (optical, thermal and acoustical), the area remains relatively weakly developed. The objective of this thesis is to proposed new architectures for breaking the reciprocity of an acoustic system.
First, the definition of non-reciprocal propagation for acoustic waves is exposed in order to clearly identify the aim of the subject and the various possible ways to contribute.
Thereafter, a first architecture for asymmetrical transmission of elastic waves in a mono-mode guide mode is presented. This system is obtained by combining a selection layer and a conversion layer: the selection is provided by a phononic crystal while the conversion is performed by an unconsolidated granular medium via the self-demodulation effect. A quantitative experimental study of this acoustic rectifier indicates a strong asymmetry of transmission, up to 10^6, with wide band (10 kHz) and an audible effect.
Related articles on this topic
[1] Xue-Feng Li, Xu Ni, Liang Feng, Ming-Hui Lu, Cheng He, and Yan-Feng Chen. Tunable unidirectional sound propagation through a sonic-crystal-based acoustic diode. Phys. Rev. Lett., 106 :084301, Feb 2011.
[2] B. Lian, X. S. Guo, J. Tu, D. Zhang, and J. C. Cheng. An acoustic rectifier. Nature Materials, VOL. 9, 2010.
[3] Bin Liang, Xin ye Zou, Bo Yuan, and Jian chun Cheng. Frequency-dependence of the acoustic rectifying efficiency of an acoustic diode model. Applied Physics Letters, 96(23) :233511, 2010.
[4] Bin Liang, Bo Yuan, and Jian-chun Cheng. Acoustic diode : Rectification of acoustic energy flux in one-dimensional systems. Phys. Rev. Lett., 103 :104301, Sep 2009.
[5] N Boechler, G Theocharis, and C Daraio. Bifurcation-based acoustic switching and rectification. Nature Materials, 10(9) :665–668, 2011.

Highlighted in Physical Review Letters !

in frequency domain

Highlighted in Physical Review Letters !
Project |01
Project |02 Acoustic Rectifiers and Diodes: Design of New Architectures,
Theories and Experiments.

with water and glass layers

of the phononic crystal

of the phononic crystal

with water and glass layers
Project |02
Research internship in the Acoustics Laboratory of the University of Maine (L.A.U.M.), UMR CNRS 6613,
Attached to the research group "Granular media",
Vincent Pagneux, Senior Research Scientist at CNRS
Vincent Tournat, Senior Research Scientist at CNRS
Olivier Richoux, Lecturer at University of Le Mans
Associated Organizations
The origin of electrical diodes back over a century. These are the first elements able to correct a current flow. From an acoustic point of view, the field remains relatively pristine and the concept of acoustic diode is analyzed only the last ten years alone. The objective of this course is to increase the efficiency and applicability of the acoustic diode.
Initially, a new architecture for acoustic diode, combining a non-consolidated three-dimensional granular medium and a one-dimensional phononic crystal, is presented. In the report. materials involved are defined, and defining the various phenomena, in order to explain the concept of acoustic rectifier proposed in the report. The second chapter is devoted to the study of a one-dimensional phononic crystal with a theoretical point of view: with the dispersion relation and the expression of the transmission coefficient, and an experimental point of view. This study helps to highlight the limits of the theoretical model and identify the multilayer material most suitable for acoustic diode. Finally, an experimental study of acoustic diode is presented. The influence of various parameters on the efficiency of the diode is reviewed to determine the optimal configuration. When the efficiency of the latter is compared with existing acoustic diodes in the literature, it appears that the effectiveness of the proposed diode is relatively correct.
acoustic diode, acoustic rectifier, nonlinearity, phononic crystal, granular media
Related articles on the subject
[1] Xue-Feng Li, Xu Ni, Liang Feng, Ming-Hui Lu, Cheng He, and Yan-Feng Chen. Tunable unidirectional sound propagation through a sonic-crystal-based acoustic diode. Phys. Rev. Lett., 106 :084301, Feb 2011.
[2] B. Lian, X. S. Guo, J. Tu, D. Zhang, and J. C. Cheng. An acoustic rectifier. Nature Materials, VOL. 9, 2010.
[3] Bin Liang, Xin ye Zou, Bo Yuan, and Jian chun Cheng. Frequency-dependence of the acoustic rectifying efficiency of an acoustic diode model. Applied Physics Letters, 96(23) :233511, 2010.
[4] Bin Liang, Bo Yuan, and Jian-chun Cheng. Acoustic diode : Rectification of acoustic energy flux in one-dimensional systems. Phys. Rev. Lett., 103 :104301, Sep 2009.
[5] N Boechler, G Theocharis, and C Daraio. Bifurcation-based acoustic switching and rectification. Nature Materials, 10(9) :665–668, 2011.
Oral defence
This work was presented July 13, 2012 at the University of Le Mans before a jury with as rapporteurs: Claude Depollier, Professor at the University of Le Mans and Bernard Castagnède, Professor at the University of Le Mans.
Project |03

Project |03 Experimental study and modeling of the onset and saturation of the acoustic wave in thermoacoustic prime mover .
Scientific project of 1st year of Degree in Acoustics and Mechanis at University of Le Mans
Guillaume Penelet, Lecturer at University of Le Mans
Thermoacoustic prime mover is a system of acoustic energy conversion into thermical energy. In the simplest version, it is constitued of stack’s extremity). In this system, a big temperature difference creates an interaction between acoustic wave and the thermical flux. This interaction induces an acoustic wave with high level in the waveguide. Thermoacoustic prime mover has a lot of advantages which can have industrial application soon. The project’s objective is to make an experimental study and a comparaison with the numerical model of the dynamic trigger and saturation of the thermoacoustic’s instability in very simple systeme : the ”quarter-wave” thermoacoustic’s generator.
Thermoacoustic prime mover is a system of acoustic energy conversion into thermical energy. In the simplest version, it is constitued of waveguide in which a stack of solid plates is inserted and an important difference of temperatue is applicated on this stack (heating a stack’s extremity). In this system, a big temperature difference creates an interaction between acoustic wave and the thermical flux. This interaction induces an acoustic wave with high level in the waveguide. Thermoacoustic prime mover has a lot of advantages which can have industrial application soon. The project’s objective is to make an experimental study and a comparaison with the numerical model of the dynamic trigger and saturation of the thermoacoustic’s instability in very simple systeme : the ”quarter-wave” thermoacoustic’s generator. [PDF]
Thermoacoustics, Instability, Nonlinear acoustics, Stationary waves