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[A4] Thibaut Devaux, Hiroya Tozawa, Paul H. Otsuka, Sylvain Mezil, Motonobu Tomoda, Osamu Matsuda, Eun Bok, Sam H. Lee and Oliver B. Wright, Giant extraordinary transmission of acoustic waves through a nanowire, Sci. Adv. 6, 8507 (2020). [PDF]  [Supp.]


[A3] Thibaut Devaux, Alejandro Cebrecos, Olivier Richoux, Vincent Pagneux, Vincent Tournat, Acoustic radiation pressure for nonreciprocal transmission and switch effects, Nature Communications 10, 3292 (2019).  [PDF]  [Supp. Mat.]



[A2] Thibaut Devaux, Vincent Tournat, Olivier Richoux, Vincent Pagneux, Asymmetric acoustic propagation of wave packets via the self-demodulation effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 234301 (2015). [PDF] Selected as Editors' Suggestion



[A1] Guillaume Penelet, Matthieu Guedra, Vitalyi Gusev, Thibaut Devaux, Simplified account of Rayleigh streaming for the description of nonlinear processes leading to steady state sound in thermoacoustic engines, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2012) [PDF]


[B1] T. Devaux, V. Tournat, O. Richoux, V. Pagneux, Wave transmission diode based on the deformation of the propagation medium, FR3059428A1 - WO2018096274A1, filed in 2016 (2018)

Articles in international peer review papers






International Conference Proceedings



[P3] T. Devaux, J.J. Park, E. Bok, S.H. Lee and O.B. Wright, Extraordinary acoustic transmission phenomenon for sub-wavelength acoustics imagining applications, ICSV25: 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Hiroshima, Japan (2018)

[P2] O.B. Wright, T. Devaux, H. Tozawa, M. Tomoda, P. Otsuka, S. Mezil, O. Matsuda, E. Bok, S.H. Lee, Extraordinary applications of extraordinary transmission through metasurfaces, ICSV25: 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Hiroshima, Japan (2018)

[P1] M. Guédra, T. Devaux, G. Penelet, P. Lotton, Amplification and saturation of the thermoacoustic instability in a standing-wave primemover, Acoustics 2012 : 11ème Congrès Français d’Acoustique and 2012 IOA annual meeting, Nantes, France (2012)



International Conferences





[C13] O.B. Wright, T. Devaux, H. Tozawa, P. Otsuka, S. Mezil, M. Tomoda, O. Matsuda, E. Bok, S.H. Lee, Giant extraordinary transmission of longitudinal acoustic waves, META 2021, the 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonic, Warsaw, Poland (2021) Online

[C12] T. Devaux, J.J. Park, E. Bok, S.H. Lee and O.B. Wright, Extraordinary acoustic transmission phenomenon for sub-wavelength acoustics imagining applications, ICSV25: 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Hiroshima, Japan (2018) with Proceeding

[C11] O.B. Wright, T. Devaux, H. Tozawa, M. Tomoda, P. Otsuka, S. Mezil, O. Matsuda, E. Bok, S.H. Lee, Extraordinary applications of extraordinary transmission through metasurfaces, ICSV25: 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Hiroshima, Japan (2018) with Proceeding

[C10] T. Devaux, J.J. Park, E. Bok, S.H. Lee and O.B. Wright, Sub-wavelength acoustic microscope based on extraordinary transmission in a zero-mass metamaterial ,  ICU'17 International Congress on Ultrasonics, Honolulu, Hawaï (2017)

[C9] T. Devaux, A. Cebrecos, O. Richoux, V. Pagneux, V. Tournat, Breaking acoustic reciprocity using deformation mechanism, ICU'17 International Congress on Ultrasonics, Honolulu, Hawaï (2017)

[C8] T. Devaux, H. Tozawa, M. Tomoda, P.H. Otsuka, S. Mezil, O. Matsuda, I.A. Veres, O.B. Wright, Extraordinary transmission of GHz bulk acoustic waves, META'17 the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Incheon, South Korea (2017)


[C7] T. Devaux, J.J. Park, S.H. Lee, O.B. Wright, Near-field acoustic microscope for sub-wavelength imaging based on extraordinary transmission in zero-mass metamaterials, META'17 the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Incheon, South Korea (2017)

[C6] T. Devaux, A. Cebrecos, O. Richoux, V. Pagneux, V. Tournat, Experiments on asymmetric acoustic transmission devices, META'17 the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Incheon, South Korea (2017)

[C5] T. Devaux, V. Tournat, O. Richoux and V. Pagneux, Asymmetric propagation of acoustic pulse by self-demodulation, Wave Propagation in Complex Media for Quantitative and Non Destructive Evaluation (Ninth GDR Conference), Aussois, France (2015)

[C4] T. Devaux, V. Tournat, O. Richoux and V. Pagneux,, Experimental asymmetric acoustic propagation for wide band signal, International Congress on Ultrasonics (ICU), Metz, France (2015)

[C3] T. Devaux, V. Tournat, O. Richoux and V. Pagneux, Experimental asymmetric acoustic propagation for wide band signal, Anglo French Physical Acoustic Conference (AFPAC), Fréjus, France (2015)

[C2] T. Devaux, V. Tournat, O. Richoux and V. Pagneux, Asymmetrical acoustic propagation: experimental setup with high rectifying ratioSummer school "Wave propagation in complex media", Cargèse, France (2013)

[C1] M. Guédra, T. Devaux, G. Penelet and P. Lotton, Amplification and saturation of the thermoacoustic instability in a standing-wave primemover, Acoustics 2012 : 11th Congrès Français d'Acoustique and 2012 IOA annual meeting, Nantes, France (2012)











International Lab Talks


French National Conferences



[N6] T. Devaux, J.J. Park, E. Bok, S.H. Lee and O.B. Wright, Microscope acoustique sub-longueur d'onde basé sur la transmission extraordinaire dans un métamatériau à masse nulle, CFA’18: 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Le Havre, France (2018)

[N5] T. Devaux, A. Cebrecos, O. Richoux, V. Pagneux and V. Tournat, Radiation pressure for ultrasonic diode and switch effects, CFA’18: 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Le Havre, France (2018)

[N4] T. Devaux, H. Tozawa, M. Tomoda, P.H. Otsuka, S. Mezil, O. Matsuda and O.B. Wright, Transmission extraordinaire des ondes élastiques de volume pour des fréquences de l’ordre du GHz, CFA’18: 14ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Le Havre, France (2018)

[N3] T. Devaux, V. Tournat, O. Richoux and V. Pagneux, Rectification de l'énergie acoustique par un système cristal phononique - milieu non linéaire, 12th Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Poitiers, France (2014)

[N2] T. Devaux, V. Tournat, O. Richoux and V. Pagneux, Asymmetrical acoustic propagation: experimental setup with high rectifying ratioÉcole d’été "Acoustique des milieux non linéaires et milieux complexes", Oléron, France (2014)

[N1] T. Devaux, V. Tournat, O. Richoux and V. Pagneux, Rectification de l'énergie acoustique par un système cristal phononique - milieu non linéaire, CFA'12: 12ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique, Poitiers, France (2014)


[L5] T. Devaux, H. Tozawa, M. Tomoda , P. H. Otsuka S. Mezil, O. Matsuda, J.J. Park, E. Bok, S.H. Lee and O. B. Wright, Extraordinary Acoustic Transmission: From the concept for bulk waves at GHz regime to the application for subwavelength imaging, Laboratory of Applied Solid State Physics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, June 25th (2018)

[L4] T. Devaux, H. Tozawa, M. Tomoda , P. H. Otsuka, S. Mezil, O. Matsuda, E. Bok, S. H. Lee, and O. B. Wright, Extraordinary Transmission Of Acoustic Waves Through A Nanowire, Institute of Physics and Applied Physics (IPAP), Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, March 18th (2017)

[L3] T. Devaux, J.J. Park, E. Bok, S.H. Lee and O.B. Wright, Zero-Mass Sonic Metamaterial For Sub- wavelength Imaging, IPAP, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, March 18th (2017)

[L2] T. Devaux, H. Tozawa, M. Tomoda, P. H. Otsuka, S. M ́ezil, O. Matsuda, and Oliver B. Wright, Sub-Wavelength Acoustic Imaging And Sensing Based On Extraordinary Transmission From Audio To GHz Frequencies, IPAP, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, January 9th (2017)

[L1]  T. Devaux, V. Tournat, O. Richoux and V. Pagneux, Asymmetric Acoustic Propagation: Combining a Phononic Crystal and a Granular Media for Reaching High Effects, Laboratory of Applied Solid State Physics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, November 24th (2016)







French Lab Talks

[F4] T. Devaux, H. Tozawa, M. Tomoda , P. H. Otsuka S. Mezil, O. Matsuda, J.J. Park, E. Bok, S.H. Lee, O. B. Wright, V. Tournat, O. Richoux and V. Pagneux, Unidirectionnalité et Focalisation sub-longueur d’onde : Systèmes pour le contrôle des ondes acoustiques dans l’espace, GREMAN, UMR-CNRS 7347, Blois, France, January 15th (2019)

[F3] T. Devaux, J.J. Park, E. Bok, S.H. Lee, H. Tozawa, M. Tomoda, P.H. Otsuka, S. Mezil, O. Matsuda and O.B. Wright, Transmission extraordinaire des ondes acoustiques: du concept pour les ondes de volume en régime GHz à l’application pour l’imagerie, Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Maine, UMR-CNRS 6613, Le Mans, France, April 20th (2018)

[F2] T. Devaux, H. Tozawa, M. Tomoda , P. H. Otsuka S. Mezil, O. Matsuda, J.J. Park, E. Bok, S.H. Lee, O. B. Wright, V. Tournat, O. Richoux and V. Pagneux, Contrˆole de la propagation des ondes acoustiques : Architectures non réciproques et transmission extraordinaire, Institut Langevin ESPCI Paris Tech, UMR-CNRS 7587, Paris, France, April 19th (2018)

[F1] T. Devaux, V. Pagneux, V. Tournat and O. Richoux, Rectificateurs et diodes acoustiques : conception de nouvelles architectures, théories, expériences, Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Maine, UMR-CNRS 6613, Le Mans, France, December 14th (2014)





Thibaut DEVAUX Associate Professor in Acoustics -  Tours University

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